Sunday in London

Being the good children we are, we went to church today. It is so cool, the ward house is right across the street from the Natural History Museum and near the V&A. Here is Whit, Brighton, and I in front of the church.

This is the man we met at church, his name is Surgey. Mind you, this is not at church, he found us again at the Tube station. He fell in love with Whitney in about 5 seconds. So basically, he loves her.

This is the all famous Platform 9 and 3/4, from Harry Potter. I am not a Harry Potter fanatic, but it was cool to see it. We went to get our rail passes validated and it was right across the way.

This is the wonderful man that helped us validate our passes. We were really struggling figuring it all out, and when he found out we were American, he stamped our passes right away. He was so nice, we asked to get a picture with him!

Apparently, this Tube stop also has relation to Harry Potter. I am not sure what, but I posted it any way.
you look so cute next to the guard
I didn't know there really was a platform 9 3/4. I thought it was just a Harry Potter thing.
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